Local Skill Competitions

What are local skills competitions?

Local competitions can take place at any time of the year, in any place and be organised and hosted by colleges, training providers or employers. There is no age restriction on who can take part and competitions can cover all levels and all skills.

This activity is a great way to stimulate enthusiasm and interest for competitions. It provides a means by which anyone of any age and any ability can develop and test their skills. It is also an opportunity for employers and education providers to benchmark their skills against peer organisations

This stage can be a stand-alone activity, but some organisations use it as an opportunity to identify people to enter into WorldSkills UK competitions.


WorldSkills Laboratory Technician NI Regional Heat Winner, Adam Purvis from Stewartstown, is pictured with Brian Doran, Chief Executive at Southern Regional College. Adam is currently completing the Higher Level Apprenticeship in Applied Industrial Sciences

Competition winners with lecturers Patrick Murray and Sharon McCone

IT Inter Campus Skills

SRC Computing and Games students recently participated in the Inter-Campus WorldSkills competition in both IT network systems and 3D Digital Game Art. Kasper Konsy from Newry Campus won the IT Networks competition and Thomas Evans from Portadown Campus won the 3D Digital Game Art contest. First prize was £100 in Amazon vouchers and £50 for second place. This was a great opportunity for the Computing and Gaming students to showcase their skills and compete on an inter campus level with potential progression to national competitions later this year